Friday, November 20, 2020

New indoor visitation criteria for residential care facilities


Residential care facilities (nursing homes, assisted living residences, group homes, intermediate care facilities)

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) today released an updated Public Health Order [link] and guidance for indoor visitation at residential care facilities serving older adults and people with disabilities. The new guidance requires that facilities permit indoor visitation for individuals performing specific services and allows for indoor visitation by family and friends when certain criteria are met. 

Indoor visitation must be permitted in cases of the following services or service providers:
  • Essential health care service providers (physicians, hospice, and home health staff of all disciplines, along with other types of medical and nonmedical health care and services; all must be screened and tested)
  • Religious exercise.
  • Adult Protective Services.
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman.
  • Designated Support Persons (must be screened and may be offered testing)
  • Compassionate Care Visitation.
  • Emergency medical and service personnel (neither screening nor testing required and no delays from response or access in carrying out duties).

Facilities should continue to encourage visits in outdoor environments if weather permits and the resident is able to participate. However, indoor visitation for family and friends must be permitted at facilities that meet all of the following criteria.

  • Must be located in a county that has less than 10% average two-week positivity rate as determined by utilizing the COVID-19 dial dashboard.
  • Must implement ongoing COVID-19 surveillance testing and perform outbreak testing as required for all staff and residents.
  • Must not be experiencing a current COVID-19 outbreak nor have any other ongoing infectious disease outbreak, such as flu or norovirus.
  • Must maintain a 14-day supply of all necessary personal protective equipment.
  • Must maintain adequate staffing levels and provide ongoing training in the latest COVID-19 prevention protocols.

Additional resources:

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