Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Return to Hospital Survey Activity


To: Hospitals
Pursuant to guidance from CMS, Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division (HFEMSD) will return to hospitals for complaint and routine survey activity starting 2/21/22.
CMS continues to allow individual hospitals to request a suspension of survey activities, with the exception of potential immediate jeopardy complaints and revisit surveys, from CDPHE based on the following criteria:
• Notification/request for assistance from the appropriate State Public Health agency. The first priority for the hospital should be ensuring they have the resources available to manage the surge and coordinating with the appropriate public health authorities for awareness and assistance;
• The proportion of hospital staff and resources dedicated to management of COVID-19 patients.
• Activation of the hospital’s emergency preparedness plan.
Individual hospitals who meet the criteria should send an email attesting the hospital meets the above criteria to Erica Brudjar ( as soon as possible. 

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