Wednesday, July 31, 2024

REMINDER: Service Availability Forms due August 16, 2024


To: All Stakeholders interested in regulations related to “Patients’ Right to Know” Act, or HB 23-1218


Subject: Reminder: Service Availability Forms Due August 16, 2024

By statute, these facilities must submit a completed service availability form to the Department on or before August 16, 2024:

Chapter 4: Hospitals,

Chapter 9: Community Clinics,

Chapter 10: Rehabilitation Hospitals,

Chapter 13: Free Standing Emergency Departments,

Chapter 19: Licensed Hospital Units.

A blank service availability form can be downloaded at the Health Facility Service Availability webpage:, and is attached to this email. Click here for the blank service availability form.

Completed service availability forms must be submitted to this email address: ( 

Please send service availability forms to the above email with the facility name in the subject line, and the PDF form attached to the email. Please only send one service availability form per email. If a person needs to send service availability forms for multiple facilities, please send each service availability form in a separate email.

Service availability forms will be returned if each required question is not answered, including if the form is not signed by the preparer. Service availability forms will be returned if the facility’s name, address, or facility identification number (FACID) does not match Department records, as displayed on the Health Facility service availability page.

If the facility’s name or address differs from that reflected in Department records and the facility wishes to update Department records, please submit the appropriate change request in COHFI: The engagement of such changes does not alter the statutory deadline for facilities to return completed service availability forms to the Department.

The service availability form FAQ can be accessed at the Health Facility service availability page. The FAQ includes answers to common questions related to completing the form. Any questions related to completion of the form not addressed in the FAQ can be sent to

HB23-1218 contains a mandatory daily fine of up to $1,000 per day for failure to submit.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.



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