Friday, June 28, 2024

Provider Training: OASIS-E: Section M - Skin Conditions


 To: Home Health Agencies, Administrators, OASIS Coordinators, and Clinicians 

From: The Health Facilities Education and Quality (HFEQ) Branch of the Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division (HFEMSD)

Provider Training: OASIS-E: Section M - Skin Conditions

The training focuses on the ability to accurately identify and assess the presence of pressure ulcers/injuries, stasis ulcers, and surgical wounds and provides insight and tips to aid in the accurate coding of the OASIS assessment.

A web-based training will be available on Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Select the link to register for the virtual training, Course ID: 1121509. 

If you are unable to attend the virtual training, the course is available as a self-study training on Train. Select the link or search on for Course ID: 1121329 or the title "OASIS-E: Section M: Skin Conditions''.

Always as a reminder, our complete offering of training opportunities for providers can be found at:  HFEMSD Provider Training Catalog

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