Friday, June 28, 2024

New Course Available on COTrain: "Extreme Heat: Preparing Your Healthcare Residents, Patients, and Clients”


To: Administrators, Directors and Staff

From:  Greg Schlosser, Branch Chief, Health Facility Education and Quality, Health Facilities & Emergency Services Division

Re:   NEW FREE COURSE: "Extreme Heat: Preparing Your Healthcare Residents, Patients, and Clients”

A new class, "Extreme Heat: Preparing Your Healthcare Residents, Patients, and Clients" is now live on COTrain. The course I.D. # is 1121335. We encourage you to share this class with your staff.

Extreme heat events in Colorado are increasing in duration, frequency, and intensity as a result of climate change. And we’re seeing the repercussions of that on the health of communities that, unfortunately, are not used to the heat, or not set up to deal with the heat. These accelerating changes have led to a rise in human exposure to harmful temperatures.

At the end of this module, you will understand:

  • Extreme heat and its impact on our bodies;  
  • Heat illness, persons most at risk, and other populations of concern;
  • Steps to protecting your patients, residents, and clients from extreme heat;
  • Monitoring your weather online using National Weather Service (NWS) resources.
  • Components of an extreme heat emergency plan or annex.

Always as a reminder, our complete offering of training opportunities for providers can be found at:  HFEMSD Provider Training Catalog

For more information or if you have any questions, please reach out to Melanie Roth at 720-291-5929 or


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