Friday, March 25, 2022

Residential Care Facility Community Transmission Levels


Facilities should utilize CDC’s COVID Data Tracker to determine levels of COVID-19 community transmission. In an effort to make it easier for facilities to find this CDC data, facilities can use our Residential Care Facility Community Transmission Level spreadsheet to quickly find the transmission level in their county. This is the same data that can be found on CDC’s website. CDC updates information on their website weekly on Thursday. The CDPHE spreadsheet will be updated weekly on Friday mornings. Facilities must use the information updated on Friday for the following week.
COVID-19 data tracker information
COVID-19 community transmission levels influence several infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, such as use of source control and screening testing. Two different indicators in CDC’s COVID-19 Data Tracker determine the transmission level for the county where the health care facility is located. If the two indicators suggest different transmission levels, CDPHE will select the higher level.
Other information on CDC’s tracker may be valuable for facilities to stay aware of and know about the current COVID-19 rates in Colorado. This information does not affect the infection prevention or surveillance testing requirements, but can be used for general awareness.
To find this information, select Colorado in the State or territory drop-down and your facility’s county in the drop-down menu, a seven-day data breakdown including cases, case rate per 100k, percent positivity, deaths, and new admissions of confirmed COVID-19 among county residents is made available. Links to detailed data on testing, vaccinations, hospitalizations, community characteristics, and downloadable spreadsheets/charts are also all available next to your county’s seven-day data breakdown.

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