Friday, March 25, 2022

Application for Civil Money Penalty (CMP) funds for certified NHs to purchase portable fans and portable room air cleaners


To: All Colorado Certified Nursing Homes
From: Jo Tansey, CDPHE, HFEMSD, Acute Care and Nursing Facilities Branch Chief
On 2/2/2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a revised FAQ guidance for Nursing Home Visitation – COVID 19 (Refer to The guidance provides reasonable ways a nursing home can safely facilitate in-person visitation to address the psychosocial needs of residents.
Facilities may use up to $3,000 for in-person visitation aids (e.g., tents or other shelter for outdoor visitation and/or clear dividers) including installation, installation materials, and shipping costs for the in-person visitation aids. All eligible expenses incurred on or after the release of Memorandum QSO 20-39-NH (September 17, 2020) are eligible for reimbursement.
Facilities may use up to an additional $3,000 for in-person visitation aids (e.g., indoor portable fans, indoor portable air cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA, H-13 or -14) filters to increase or improve air quality) and shipping costs for the in-person visitation aids. Expenses incurred on or after the release of Memorandum QSO-20-39-NH FAQ Revised, February 2, 2022 are eligible for reimbursement.
In addition, if a facility applied for and received CMP money for visitation aides throughout 2020 and 2021 and did not spend the entire $3000.00 allowed for these aides the facility can use the balance of the $3000.00 toward the purchase of air purifiers. You will need to verify with CDPHE the amount you have left from the earlier purchases.
For criteria, application and instructions go to Prior to filling out the application, you will need to download and save it to your desktop.
Note: These grants are paid from Civil Money Penalties (CMP) monies. Only certified nursing homes are eligible for the grant.
Please email any questions to

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