Tuesday, March 29, 2022

EMResource reporting frequency change and question updates


To: Residential care facilities (nursing homes, assisted living facilities, group homes, and intermediate care facilities)

From: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Residential Care Strike Team 
To align with the reporting periods in Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI), EMResource reporting periods have moved from the current weekly reporting requirement to twice-monthly reporting periods. The first report shall occur during reporting period one, which is defined as the first (1st) day through the fourteenth (14th) day of the month. The second report shall occur during reporting period two, which is defined as the fifteenth (15th) day through the last day of the month.
Additionally, the following changes have been made to the reporting questions within EMResource:

  • Combined “Beds - Male Available” and “Beds - Female Available” to one question “Beds Available”
  • Updated “Current Vaccinated Residents” to “Up-to-Date Residents”
  • Updated “Additional Dose or Booster for Staff” to “Up-to-Date Staff”
  • Added “Partially Vaccinated Residents”
  • Added “Not Vaccinated Residents”
  • Removed the following questions: 
  • Staffed COVID-19 + beds available
  • Acute isolation beds available 
  • Staff
  • Staffing shortage nurses 
  • Staffing shortage direct care/caregivers
  • Staffing shortage aides 
  • Staffing shortage other staff 
  • Additional dose or booster for resident 
  • Current residents eligible for booster 
  • Current staff eligible for booster 
  • Flu vaccinated staff 
  • Flu vaccinated residents

Questions can be directed to residentialcarestriketeam@state.co.us.

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