Thursday, October 7, 2021

Secure Transportation Rule Development – October 12, 2021 meeting information


To: All Stakeholders


The Department has begun the stakeholder process for the regulatory development of minimum standards governing the Secure Transportation for an individual experiencing a behavioral health crisis. This process is a response to HB 21-1085 which directs the Department to develop minimum standards for Secure Transportation providers, which the counties will then enforce through licensing.

Meetings are open to the public. This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom only.

When: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Remote access through Zoom (
Audio line: 1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 875 8098 7585

The stakeholder meeting schedule and detailed information regarding the rule revision process can be accessed at this link. We recommend that you return to this site on the day of the meeting to check for additional or revised meeting materials.

Please forward this information to any other individuals who may be interested in participating in this rule development process. You may add your contact information to the interested stakeholder list at this link to be updated on the monthly meetings and materials.

If you have any questions outside of the meeting, feel free to contact Monica Billig at, Karen Osthus at, or Ellen Eggleston at

If you have never used Zoom before:
Prior to the meeting, you will need to install Zoom. Please allow time to do so beforehand. If you plan to join by phone please be aware that some functions are unavailable. It is usually best to use a computer. Below are instructions for joining a Zoom meeting:

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