Friday, October 8, 2021

Reminder: COHFI Vaccination Reporting Function Deadline (10/8)


To: All licensed health care facilities
The Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) system now serves as the primary application where all licensed health care facilities are required to report COVID-19 vaccination data per Public Health Order 20-20. The decision to transfer the vaccination reporting function from EMResource was made after the vaccination requirement rule was passed August 30, 2021. The emergency rule is in effect and carries the weight of state law. Facilities are required to comply. 
The application is similar to the flu vaccination reporting function. If you have not already accessed the new application and begun vaccination reporting in CoHFI, please do so immediately. Facilities were required to report their staff vaccination data on October 1, 2021, and again on the first and 15th of every month.
To access the new vaccine reporting function: 
  • Currently, only COHFI account managers will be able to access the COVID-19 vaccination reporting application. If you do not have the Manage Users button next to the facility name, you will not be able to submit the report. We are working to add the functionality of assigning that role to facility users, but it will not be ready at release.
  • The vaccination reporting option will be available for all facilities at launch. If you are not a licensed facility but would still like to report, you will have that option. Only licensed facilities are required to submit reports.
Submitting your facility’s COVID-19 vaccination report:
  • Sign into COHFI, select the facility you would like to submit a report for, in the top navigation menu select Vaccination Reporting and then COVID Vaccination Reporting. Complete the form and select the Submit Vaccination Report button. A detailed guide will be available in the User Manual.
  • The vaccination reporting system will be undergoing updates as additional questions related to staff who have not confirmed their vaccination status and staff who are partially vaccinated are being added into the system. These updates are expected to be live before the next mandatory reporting date of October 15.
  • After you have entered your initial COVID-19 vaccination data into COHFI, when you have to report next you can select the Load Previous Submission button to load the last submitted report. Then, you can update the form with your current numbers, or if your numbers have not changed you can select the Submit Vaccination Report button. Load Previous Submission does not load the previous submissions of the question on staffing resignations. Those answers should be updated for every cycle. 
Publishing the reports:
  • All reports will be published publicly.  
Please feel free to submit any additional questions about the implementation of the rule to the Residential Care Strike Team ( Questions about the rule language can be directed to the Health Facilities Policy Team ( Questions about using the application can be sent to ​

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