Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Staffing Shortage Support Timeline


To: Residential care facilities (Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Group Homes, and Intermediate Care Facilities)
From: HFEMS Residential Care Strike Team

Dear Stakeholders:

The Staffing Shortage Fusion Center and Residential Care Strike Team staffing group have provided staffing solutions in response to the COVID-19 staffing crisis at residential facilities since late November 2020. Teams covered over 2,500 shifts in 10 weeks.

Now, with the staff and residents of these facilities getting vaccinated and Colorado’s positivity rate below five percent, the need for state supported staffing in response to COVID-19 is coming to an end. The Staffing Shortage Fusion Center will be phased out by the end of March 2021.
The timeline and information about how to stay connected with ongoing resources follows.

  • Now - March 10
  • Continue using THIS FORM to request staffing support
  • February 27
  • Last day for the State run teams of CNAs, LPNs, and RNs
  • March 13
  • Last day for the Colorado National Guard teams of personal care workers and QMAPs
  • March 21
  • Funding ends to cost share with the State for HWL staff

The State will continue to monitor EM Resource regularly in an ongoing effort to assess and respond to anticipated staffing shortages at residential care facilities. In accordance with Public Health Order 20-20, please continue to submit daily reports in EM Resource.

Please forward this information to others who may be interested.

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