Tuesday, February 9, 2021

COVID-19 Dashboard Two-Week Positivity Rate Correction


To: Residential care facilities (Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Group Homes, and Intermediate Care Facilities)

As you may be aware, the COVID-19 dashboard on the CDPHE website was updated over the weekend to separate variants of concern from variants under investigation. In the process, the two-week test positivity rate utilized to determine a variety of infection prevention interventions in residential care settings was mistakenly removed. The CDPHE data team is working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. 

It is anticipated the dashboard will be corrected by this afternoon. Please continue to utilize the two-week test positivity result that your facility was using last week until the data is restored to the website. Thank you for your understanding and patience while we work to resolve this issue. 

Questions can be directed to CDPHE_InfectionPrevention@state.co.us

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