Wednesday, September 21, 2016

MDS Changes October 1, 2016 from CMS

The MDS Item Set includes a new item "A0310H: Is this a SNF Part A Discharge Assessment?". 

The final RAI Manual v.14 will be in force as of Oct 1, 2016. This manual includes the new NPE Item set, intended for use when Item A0310H is needed but the resident remains in your facility past their Medicare Part A eligibility. 

The new finalized Manual, together with the document "Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program", clarifies that A0310H and Section GG is needed at the end of every Part A discharge, even if the entire 100 days of care eligibility are not required by the resident. 

In addition, a Part A PPS Discharge cannot be combined with an unscheduled PPS assessment (OMRA). Instead, two separate assessments must be done.

All facilities are advised to be aware that these documents will be in force soon. All software vendors should verify knowledge and version changes to incorporate these new items into skip patterns.

Also, software vendors should verify the adjustments in Delirium Section C. Items "C1300: Signs and Symptoms of Delirium (from CAM)" and "C1600: Acute Onset Mental Status Change" are now combined into "C1310: Signs and Symptoms of Delirium (from CAM)". This item numbering change will drive changes to the CAT algorithms used in care planning.

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