Friday, September 27, 2024

Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) Update - Provider System Testing Live


To: All Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) Users


Over the past few months the Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division (HFEMSD) has been working on updates to the Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) system. COHFI’s three main modules, Licensing, Survey Tracking, and Occurrences have been updated. 

The overall functions within each COHFI module are unchanged; however, the systems look a bit different. Some function buttons and data will display in new locations. Most data and function buttons will remain on the same pages where they have always been. 

The current timeline for rollout of these updates, which is subject to change, is as follows: 

9/27/2024 - 10/8/2024

COHFI Users from all provider types now have access to the beta test environment to view and interact with their facility’s COHFI data. Users will be able to test and experience the system changes of each COHFI module. The test environment is available at:

COHFI Users will utilize their current COHFI credentials (username and password as of 9/24/2024 at 4:00 p.m.) to access the data for their facility or facilities. 

It’s important to note that while in the test site, any changes made to your facility data will not carry over to the live (production) data. This is testing only.

You should feel free to navigate the system without any fear of those changes being saved. Users should continue to submit all required information through the existing live (production) COHFI site during this testing period.


The COHFI production website will be updated during routine scheduled maintenance. An additional provider memo will be sent prior to when this occurs. You will not be able to use or access the COHFI production website while the system update is being deployed.

As with any system changes, there may be some minor bugs experienced when these updates are rolled out. We would ask that you submit any issues to and we will route them for review. 


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