Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 24th, 2024 Stakeholder Meeting: Critical Access Hospital Licensure - SB24-121


To: CAHs and all stakeholders interested in SB24-121


The Department will be holding a stakeholder process to create a new license category for critical access hospitals as required by SB24-121, passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2024 session. Under the law, starting on January 1, 2026, Federally-designated critical access hospitals subject to 42 CFR 485, Subpart F, will no longer hold a general hospital license to operate, and will instead be required to hold a new critical access hospital license. The federal requirements for critical access designation remain the same. The goal of this stakeholder process will be to create a separate licensing chapter for critical access hospitals. 

The first stakeholder meeting will be on July 24, 2024. Meetings will be on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:00 - 3:00 pm until April 2025.

All stakeholder meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend and participate. Meetings will be held in hybrid format with an option to attend either in-person, or remotely, via Zoom, to ensure equal access for participation, regardless of geographic location of the attendee. 

The in-person meeting will be at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment main campus, 4300 Cherry Creek S Drive, Denver, CO 80246, in Building A, Room Snow. This meeting room is located on the first floor of Building A, down the hall from the main entrance.

Zoom meeting information: 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 830 3112 6573

Details regarding the stakeholder process, including meeting documents, agendas, proposed rule language, presentations, etc., will be available in the public meeting folder. Agendas and proposed rule language will be posted no later than a week in advance of each meeting. 

If you would like to receive communication regarding the critical access licensure stakeholder process, please sign-up for the interested parties list to receive email notifications directly to your inbox. Updates and meeting notices will also be sent roughly two weeks in advance of each meeting through the Department’s health facility portal messaging system.

If you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting, feel free to contact Ash Jackson at, or Alexandra Haas, at


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