Monday, July 22, 2024

CLOSING EVENTS IN EMResource For Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Residences and ICFs/Group Homes


To: Administrators and Managers of Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Residents and Group Homes/ICFs

From: Greg Schlosser, Branch Chief, Health Facility Education and Quality

Hello EMResource Users,

We are writing to inform you that we will be ending the 3 ongoing events-Assisted Living Residences (ALR) Update & Group(GH) & Intermediate Care(ICF’s) Update in EMResource on 8/5/24. This decision was made after a careful review of the current reporting requirements of these facilities to the State.

However, we still intend to keep this partnership ongoing & would like you all to keep your facilities information updated in EMResource. EMResource has proved to be an excellent emergency resource query tool during uncalled situations & users have benefitted from the updated facility information in the EMResource database.

To continue updating your facility in EMResource please follow the below steps:

  • The 3 LTCF/Assisted Living/Group Homes events are closing but users can continue to update statuses for their facilities in EMResource.

  • In EMResource go to Menu → View → then select your authorized facility in either of the 3 sections- Long Term Care Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities, ICF/Group Homes. 

  • The facility you are authorized to update status for will have a key icon in front of it. Then can click on this key icon to update statuses for their facilities.

  • COVID provider information & the contact information for your facility are important to be kept updated at all times

We value & appreciate your continued  partnership with us.If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to (720-291-5929) or


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