Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Second Request: If you have not done so, please complete this nursing home air conditioning survey


To: Nursing Home Administrators

From: Jo Tansey, Branch Chief, Acute and Nursing Facilities, Health Facilities & Emergency Services Division

Re: Second Request: If you have not done so, please complete this nursing home air conditioning survey

Heat-related emergencies are increasing each year in Colorado. Accelerating changes in our climate have led to a rise in human exposure to harmful temperatures and worsening air quality. 

In the event of a heat related emergency, the department wants to ensure that local public health partners and coalitions are aware of nursing homes in their areas that do not have air conditioning. In the event of a heat related emergency, they may reach out to those that do not have air conditioning to provide assistance or guidance, should needs arise. 

Please help us by answering four questions

If you have any questions, please contact or 720-291-5929.

Thank you in advance.


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