Friday, May 10, 2024

Reconvening Labor and Childbirth Stakeholder Group for June and July Meetings


To: All Stakeholders interested in SB21-193 “Protection of Pregnant People in Perinatal Period” and HB24-1459 “Birth Equity”


Thank you to everyone who participated in meetings from October 2023 through January 2024 to discuss the implementation of SB21-193 “Protection of Pregnant People in Perinatal Period.” In our last meeting, we discussed the possibility of reconvening the Labor and Childbirth Stakeholder Group at a future date should the legislative session bring forth statutory changes that need to be addressed. 

As a result of HB24-1459 “Birth Equity,” the language discussed during previous meetings requires revision. This bill clarifies language in SB21-193 that relates to inter-facility transfer of pregnant people. To discuss updated rule language to implement the protections put in place by this new legislation, the Department is now reconvening the Labor and Childbirth Stakeholder Group. 

We invite you to participate in hybrid meetings that are expected to take place on June 25th and July 23rd. The June meeting will take place from 1:30 - 4:00 pm and the July meeting will take place from 1:30 - 4:30 pm. Participants will have the opportunity to attend virtually, via Zoom, or in-person at the Department. Meeting details such as the Zoom information and room number for in-person attendance will be included in future communications as we get closer to the meeting dates. 

All stakeholder meetings are open to the public and all interested parties are welcome to attend. If you have not yet signed up to receive notifications related to this rulemaking, and would like to, please sign up now. All stakeholders are also welcome to provide input throughout the stakeholder process and submit written comments to the Department.

Please note that the Labor and Childbirth Stakeholder Group will be discussing language to implement SB21-193 and HB24-1459 in both 6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 04, Hospitals and 6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 22, Birth Centers. 

The Department is concurrently running a separate stakeholder process to make general updates to Chapter 22, Birth Centers, unrelated to SB21-193 or HB24-1459. Those meetings are happening on the third Tuesday of the month, and are focused on Birth Center-specific rules unrelated to these two pieces of legislation. If you would like information on that process, please contact


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