Tuesday, November 16, 2021

BHE-Confirmation of Physical Addresses Needed


To: Community Mental Health Centers, Community Mental Health Clinics, Acute Treatment Units, Crisis Stabilization Units
From: Jane Flournoy
The Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is currently working to ensure any and all physical locations associated with licensed community mental health centers, community mental health clinics, acute treatment units and crisis stabilization units are included in the transition to the Behavioral Health Entity (BHE) license. In order to do so, CDPHE had previously requested any and all physical location’s addresses associated with a BHE be submitted to the Department. It has come to the department’s attention some facilities may have mis-reported or missed one or more of their existing physical locations in that previous report, resulting in delays in the facility’s transition to the BHE license type.

As such, please re-confirm all physical addresses associated with your currently licensed CMHC, CMHc, ATU and/or CSU that were in operation prior to July 1, 2021 in this google form.

All facilities will be required to submit their complete physical addresses to the google form no later than December 15, 2021, to prevent delays in transition to the BHE license.
  • For further information, please contact Jane Flournoy at 303.692.2922 or jane.flournoy@state.co.us.

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