Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Final notice – Federal COVID-19 pharmacy partnership program closes Friday, November 6th


Residential care facilities (skilled nursing facilities, assisted living residences, group homes, intermediate care facilities)

The Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Pharmacy Partnership Program, introduced by the CDC on October 16th, closes on Friday, November 6th. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recommends participation in this program for all residential care facilities. The federal program is a free program that provides an ease of service to vaccinate residents against COVID-19. To sign up for this program, all skilled nursing facilities can use NHSN. For those facilities without access to NHSN, use this Redcap Survey. More information has become available since this program was introduced. Key information includes:

  • Facilities that enroll in the federal program will NOT be required to store, administer, or report vaccine administration data to CDPHE. Those tasks will be completed by the partnering pharmacy who will come onsite to vaccinate residents. This will greatly ease the vaccine administration process, particularly for facilities that do not have staff who are qualified to administer vaccinations or appropriate storage units to handle the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Facilities can use a variety of pharmacies through the federal program. Initially only CVS and Walgreens were identified but many other pharmacies have signed up with the CDC. Facilities can use a variety of other pharmacies, including their current pharmacy of choice.
  • Staff who have not been vaccinated in initial phases of COVID-19 vaccination can also be vaccinated a part of this federal vaccine program.

Please do not delay in signing up for this program. The sign-up period ends on Friday, November 6th.

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