Thursday, December 6, 2018

Recent CMS changes to CMS reporting of healthcare personnel influenza vaccination summary reporting requirements

For NHSN Users:

There have been several changes to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) healthcare personnel (HCP) influenza vaccination summary reporting requirements for the 2018-2019 influenza season. However, the HCP influenza vaccination reporting requirements for the state of Colorado have not changed.

CMS has removed the HCP Influenza Vaccination Summary Measure (National Quality Forum Measure 0431) from certain quality reporting programs. The following facility types are no longer required to report HCP influenza vaccination summary data through NHSN beginning with the 2018-2019 influenza season for CMS quality reporting purposes:
- Ambulatory surgery centers
- Inpatient psychiatric facilities
- Hospital outpatient departments
- Outpatient dialysis facilities

Please note that while the CMS quality reporting programs for the above facility types no longer require submission of HCP influenza vaccination summary data, reporting these data continues to be a state mandate in Colorado.

For additional information on health care worker immunization requirements for Colorado, please visit the following link:

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