Friday, January 29, 2021

Unlicensed air ambulance companies


To: Hospital Stakeholders

HFEMSD has become aware of hospitals using unlicensed air ambulance companies for patient transports originating at their facilities. Any air ambulance transportation arranged by the hospital to transport patients in the State of Colorado is required to have a State of Colorado issued license. Transfers of patients from a Colorado hospital without proper air ambulance licensing are a violation of Section 25-3.5-307, C.R.S. and 6 CCR 1015-3, Chapter Five. If you are unsure if an air ambulance company is licensed in Colorado, you can instantly verify license status via this website ( "Type" select "Services", then search by name, or simply enter "air" in the name field for a list. 
If a facility is using any unlicensed air ambulance transport companies, stop use immediately and take measures to ensure all staff who are involved in coordinating air ambulance transports are aware of this notification and are educated on the immediate need to discontinue use of any unlicensed transportation companies. 
As a reminder, all hospitals are required to follow Chapter 4 regulations which includes:
STANDARDS FOR HOSPITALS AND HEALTH FACILITIES CHAPTER 4 -GENERAL HOSPITALS 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 4, Section 6.102(5) PROGRAMMATIC FUNCTIONS: The governing board shall ensure that the patients receive care in a safe setting.
For any questions, please reach out to Erica Brudjar, Acute Care Section Manager at

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