Monday, January 4, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Office Hours

To: Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Group Homes, and Intermediate Care Facilities

From: HFEMSD, Colorado Health Care Association  

As the first week of vaccination data from Colorado facilities begins to roll in we are seeing alarmingly low acceptance from staff. Staff vaccinations (in some cases) have occurred at an average of less than 50 percent thus far. In response, the Colorado Health Care Association, CDPHE and various Medical Directors from Colorado are partnering to hold virtual “Office Hours” for all residential care facility staff, departments and positions.

Participants can join the meeting to ask questions about the vaccination (anonymously via the chat), voice fears and candidly speak with a Medical Director not affiliated with their building. The calls will be available via Zoom and include a brief explanation of the vaccine, how it affects our bodies, potential risks and a Q&A session. Feel free to include one of the office hours at a staff meeting, or extend the invitation to your employees; whatever is helpful to educate your staff and give them the opportunity to be heard. With an immediate need, the Zoom calls are beginning this week.

We will provide updates as more times become available.

For further information, contact Erin Thomas with the Colorado Health Care Association at: (720) 935-5490.

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