Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Residential Care Facilities and the COVID-19 Vaccine


To: Residential Care Facilities (skilled nursing facilities, assisted living residences, group homes, intermediate care facilities)

From: HFEMSD Residential Care Strike Team

Scientists have developed several possible vaccines to provide immunity to COVID-19. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the Pfizer vaccine for emergency use on December 11, and Colorado received the first shipment of the vaccine on December 14. The FDA authorized the Moderna vaccine for emergency use on December 18. The companies report that both vaccines are around 95% effective.

Colorado is currently in phase 1A of their COVID-19 vaccine distribution timeline. This phase includes the highest-risk health care workers/individuals who have direct contact with COVID-19 patients and long-term care facility staff/residents. Phase 1B will take place later this Winter and include moderate-risk health care workers and responders.

The majority of early phase 1 recipients will receive the vaccine through the federal government’s Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care Program. If your facility is included in this program you will receive onsite vaccination services from either CVS or Walgreens. Communication from CVS and Walgreens has already been sent to facilities. If your facility has not received communication from either pharmacy, please reach out to the Residential Care Strike Team at residentialcarestriketeam@state.co.us for assistance.

Visit the CDPHE Vaccine Website for a full list of guidelines, resources, updates and current vaccine data. More information on the COVID-19 vaccine is also available through COHELP at (303) 389-1687 or 877-462-2911.

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