Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Ch 9 CC/CEC and Ch 13 FSED Rule Development Stakeholder Meeting - January 21, 2021


To: All Stakeholders


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is continuing the stakeholder process for the regulatory review to update 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 9 – Community Clinics and Community Emergency Centers and develop 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 13 - Freestanding Emergency Departments, based on the passage of House Bill 19-1010 Freestanding Emergency Department Licensure.

In preparation for the final stakeholder meeting on January 21, 2021, we encourage written comments on the full draft of Chapter 9 - Community Clinics. To view the meeting materials go to:

We recommend that you return to this site on the day of the meeting to check for additional or revised materials.

Please send any written comments or questions to Grace Sandeno at or Monica Billig at

Meetings are open to the public.

The 1/21/21 Ch. 9 and Ch. 13 Rule Development Stakeholder Meeting will be held remotely via Zoom only.

When:  January 21, 2021, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Remote access through Zoom -
Call in number: 1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 626 002 734

To sign up to receive email communications regarding FSED go to:

If you have never used Zoom before:
Prior to the meeting, you will need to install Zoom. Please allow time to do so beforehand. If you plan to join by phone please be aware that some functions are unavailable. It is usually best to use a computer. Below are instructions for joining a Zoom meeting:

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