Thursday, August 9, 2018

New: Online Quality Management Program/Plan (QMP) 201 Training Module

In response to stakeholder requests, the Education and Technical Assistance Branch of the Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division has developed an advanced quality management program training course. The online, self-paced, 1-hour course is geared toward new and seasoned personnel of all health facility-types responsible for carrying out quality management activities. 

The interactive training module guides the participant through a review of a quality management program, reviewing the elements of a strong plan and the documentation required to demonstrate program effectiveness. Similar to the steps taken by a health facility compliance inspector, the participant is also guided through a critical review of a sample quality management plan. Our hope is that each participant completes the course with a better understanding of what constitutes a sound quality management plan and has new tools at his or her disposal to review and improve upon their facility's program.

To access this module, please visit: 

For any questions/concerns please feel free to email: