Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuberculosis for Health Care Workers


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is partnering with the Bent County Public Health Department to host a full day training on Tuberculosis (TB). This free training will enable you and your team to feel comfortable managing TB by providing information and skill building activities on the following topics:

- Introduction to TB 
- Diagnosis and Treatment for TB infection and disease
- TB case management 
- TB contact investigation

We invite nurses and other interested personnel who provide health services to patients with or at risk for tuberculosis in Colorado to attend the TB for Health Care Workers training on July 23rd from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm in the conference room at the Bent County Community Center (1214 Ambassador Thompson Blvd., Las Animas, CO 81054).

The Denver Metro TB Clinic and the CDPHE Tuberculosis Program invite nurses and other health care providers from home health agencies, clinics, and long-term care facilities to attend a tuberculosis update and skin testing practicum on Thursday April 26th from 12:15 PM to 5 PM in the Public Health Auditorium, 2nd floor at Denver Public Health (605 Bannock Street, Denver). 

For more details and a link to register go to: www.train.org/colorado/home and search for course #1071602

Registration cost is FREE
Space is very limited so please register early. 

For more information please contact Tavia Mirassou-Wolf at 303-692-2638 or Tavia.mirassou-wolf@state.co.us with any questions.