Friday, May 18, 2018

This Week’s ALR Online Newsletter Updates

For this week, content for our new online newsletter for assisted living residences, "Assisted Living News & Resources," ( has been updated to include; a call for applicants (providers, stakeholders, consumers and representatives) to be appointed to serve on the Assisted Living Advisory Committee (ALAC) , an ALAC Meeting Update, updates to the "Important Dates" section, and additional Frequently Asked Questions information. 

It is our hope that this resource will provide you with up-to-date and relevant tools, training, and information, as we move forward with implementing the new regulations under 6CCR 1011-1, Chapter 7 Assisted Living Regulations. Current features of the newsletter include on "What's New," "Important Dates," "Training," "Blog," "FAQs," "Help" and "Advisory Committee." Our goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of the new portions of the regulation as well as training to help you comply.