Linked below is a copy of the revised occurrence manual that is effective immediately and replaces the previous occurrence manual that was last amended in August 2011. This new version of the manual was sent out via the portal in the fall of 2017 and many comments were received. Those comments were reviewed, and included when possible. The Department appreciates the responses and careful consideration from all who provided feedback. Please begin using this manual for occurrence reporting, and if there are any questions either use the contact information in the manual, or contact Peter Myers at (303) 692-2801 or
Occurence Reporting Manual

This blog publishes information typically sent to users of the Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (COHFI) system for health care entities regulated by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Please note that COHFI is the official medium for business communication between the Department and licensed and/or Medicare/Medicaid certified health care entities. Health care entities should continue to monitor their email accounts routinely.