Monday, August 29, 2016

ALR/ACF Procedural Changes

Recently, CDPHE implemented changes regarding the processing and posting of deficiency lists following a standard and/or complaint survey for those facilities that are both licensed and Medicaid certified. 

Previously, all deficiencies for both licensing and certification were cited within one deficiency list. Now, when deficiencies are cited, two deficiency lists are issued - one containing deficiencies for licensure rules and one containing deficiencies for Medicaid certification rules.

Many of the certification requirements are similar to licensing requirements; therefore some deficiencies may appear similar in each of the deficiency lists. A Plan of Correction is required for each of the deficiency lists, and may, in some cases, contain similar corrective measures as applicable.

These changes were implemented to ensure accurate tracking of the types of surveys that are conducted and, to align with existing processes for other programs within the division.

If you have specific questions regarding these changes, please contact Dee Reda, ALR Section Manager, at 303-692-2893 or via email at