Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Residential and Long-Term Care Facility Call (Wednesday, March 23) Cancellation


To: Residential care facilities (Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Group Homes, and Intermediate Care Facilities) 
From: CDPHE Residential Care Strike Team and Infection Prevention Program
The biweekly Residential and Long-Term Care Facility Call on Wednesday, March 23 is canceled
We appreciate your patience as we strive to provide accurate information and updates. Please stay tuned to our regular communication channels such as the Colorado Health Facilities Interactive (CoHFI) system, Residential and Long-Term Care Email List, Latest in Long-Term Care Newsletter, and State COVID-19 Website for up to date information. 

As always, questions can be directed to the Residential Care Strike Team and Infection Prevention Program. For reference on who to contact, see this flyer.  

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