Friday, February 11, 2022

Board of Health Information for Chapter 2 – Permanent Vaccine Rulemaking


To: All Providers
On August 30, 2021, the Board of Health adopted emergency revisions to 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 2 that established a requirement for all employees, direct contractors, and support staff to become fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Subsequently, on December 15, 2021 the Board of Health adopted updated emergency revisions to Chapter 2. Since that time, the Department has been working on final revisions to these regulations, which will be presented to the Board of Health on February 16, 2022 for permanent rule adoption.
The proposed revisions can be found here.
For the February 16th meeting, the Board of Health will require all individuals who wish to provide public testimony to sign-up in advance at this link. Public testimony will be limited to one (1) hour, and signing up to testify does not guarantee there will be time for all individuals to testify at the hearing. To ensure your voice is heard, the Board encourages individuals to submit written testimony in advance of the meeting. Please email if you would like to provide written testimony.
Additional information on this meeting may be found on the Board of Health website. 

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