Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Active Screening of personnel and visitors


To: Owners, Administrators, Directors, Risk Management


Based on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) summary of changes to the guidance for: Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic, the following revised screening steps are required for ALL licensed facilities.

Screen and Triage Everyone Entering a Healthcare Facility for Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19:
Establish a process to ensure everyone (patients, healthcare personnel, and visitors) entering the facility is assessed for symptoms of COVID-19, or exposure to others with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and that they are practicing source control.

  • Options could include (but are not limited to): individual screening on arrival at the facility; or implementing an electronic monitoring system in which, prior to arrival at the facility, people report absence of fever and symptoms of COVID-19, absence of a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the prior 10 days, and confirm they have not been exposed to others with SARS-CoV-2 infection during the prior 14 days.
  • Fever can be either measured temperature ≥100.0°F or subjective fever. People might not notice symptoms of fever at the lower temperature threshold that is used for those entering a healthcare setting, so they should be encouraged to actively take their temperature at home or have their temperature taken upon arrival.

For Questions please reach out to:

Acute Care Facilities: Erica Brudjar 720-347-8829 or Erica.Brudjar@state.co.us
Nursing Facilities: Jo Tansey 303-692-2863 or Jo.Tansey@state.co.us
Home and Community Facilities: Cheryl McMahon 303-692-2588 or Cheryl.McMahon@state.co.us
Behavioral Health and Community Services: Jane Flournoy 303-910-6348 or Jane.Flournoy@state.co.us

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