Friday, September 9, 2016

Long-term Care Informal Dispute Resolution Committee

There are upcoming vacancies for facility representatives on the Long-term Care (LTC) Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Committee. This 7-member committee includes representatives from facilities and various state agencies, including the Ombudsman and the Division's Nursing Facilities LTC program. The committee meets the first Tuesday of each month to review, in accordance with Sections 7212 of the State Operations Manual, facility challenges to the evidence surrounding disputed deficiencies. 

Facility representatives must hold the position of administrator, nursing director, or clinical consultant (without broad involvement in multiple facilities), and must have at least 6 months experience in their position at their current facility. We encourage facility representatives outside the Denver area to apply; committee members may, on occasion, participate by phone. 

Facility representatives generally serve on the committee for two years. Each representative has an alternate with whom they may share voting responsibilities. 

Interested facility representatives may submit inquiries or send a resume to We will be collecting resumes through 9/30/16.